- For more of an in-depth study on the explanation of Bible codes, please see Grant Jeffrey’s website http://www.grantjeffrey.com/article/yakram.htm as he has written some of the best material on the subject of bible codes. Jeffrey shows that codes also appear in the New Testament, as most have sought them out in the Old Testament.
- Another fantastic site is www.exodus2006.com where you can find bible codes of current events that are happening in our day such as our president, the United States and events in the world
- Did you know that in the Torah (Old Testament) every 666th letter spells out the phrase "Satan the accuser". This happens exactly 7 times. Isn't that interesting?- Grant Jeffrey
- Did you know in Genesis 1:17, the surface written Word talks about God creating light. (Taken from Grant Jeffrey) Yacov Rambsel, a Messianic Jewish Pastor (reference his book: The Genesis Factor) found that beneath this, that every 94th character spells out the following phrase: "Lighthouse speed conceived". Also, in that same area of text, the Bible Codes reveal: "186,282", which is the exact speed of light per second. http://bibleprobe.com/biblecode.htm
- **Statstical Science in 1994 by Witztum, Rips, and Rosenberg**. With great statistical rigor, the authors show that the 78,064 Hebrew letters of the Book of Genesis, when set out with no spaces or punctuation, can be searched by a computer for specific words spelled out by ELS codes. Specifically, they set out to see if they could find the names of 32 famous rabbis in Genesis. Not only did they find ELS codes that spelled out all 32 rabbis, but near their names were coded their birth dates or death dates, or sometimes both. How could any author have known these details 2000 years before these men lived?This is amazing enough. ~~The odds are said to be one in ten million!~~ - Grant Jeffrey
Let us point out some of the criticisms of the bible codes
(Taken from -Reasons to Believe Kenneth Samples)
A- They are a distraction from the central teaching of the Bible. The message of the Bible centers on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
B-The Bible Codes make the Bible into a secret mystery document that contains esoteric truths which can be compared to ancient heresy Gnosticism, which the bible is not. Salvation is very easy to attain, as it is not by our own works, but receiving the gift of Christ into our lives.
C- Some skeptics claim that bible codes are not special, as they have found codes in 2 other books, such as Moby Dick and War and Peace.
D- The Bible Codes contains some predictions that have not come to pass (Dt 18:20-21). It is therefore disqualified as divine prophecy.
I agree with all those opinions. Should we throw out the bible codes? No.
Here is the DIFFERENCES with the Bible Codes:
1. They Contain CLUSTERS of Revelent Words in the same paragrah. Remember - Moby Dick has 10 Codes in total, …. The Bible has THOUSANDS of codes, with current events of our day. With those names, are clusters of words that go along with it in the same location. Below we explain this point in more detail.
2. The BIBLE Codes have a precise location in the bible revelant to the readable text. Think of the example this way. (Just an example) In Exodus - go to the location in Exodus where it talks about the Jewish people leaving Egypt out of slavery, - the bible code would appear in THAT exact place of MILLIONS of people leaving their countries on a future date to Israel. AND those Bible codes would have about 20 or so codes that pertain to that current event. See the difference?
Point 1 Example –
Moby Dick has a total of 10 or more codes total. Sure, that is special. Take this for example,
The Term “Holocaust” is found in Genesis 8, Deuteronomy 8-10 and Deuteronomy 30-33.
(ELS in the Deuteronomy cluster):
“Make Secret the Anger of the Living
Terminate Anti-Semitism”
“Where? Here. There is a Swastika for Your Friend So You Can Calm Down”
Horrible shower
Mein Kampf.
Found Here: http://www.biblecodedigest.com/page.php/5
(ELS in the Genesis Cluster “They Slept and You Raised Him. And the Nazi and Enemy Barked at the Tabernacle”, Hitler, Himmler, Eichmann, Auschwitz, Nazi, Germany, evil man, Zyklon B)
Point 2 Example –
Perhaps the strongest connection between these codes and the literal text above it takes place in the Deuteronomy 30-33 passage, which describes Moses’ farewell to the chosen people as they are about to wind up a 40-year trek through the wilderness. (The most relevant text is in capitals.)“For I know that after my death you will . . . turn aside from the way which I have commanded you; AND EVIL WILL BEFALL YOU IN THE LATTER DAYS.” (Deuteronomy 31:29) This could have been referring to the ravages of the Jews by either the Babylonians or the Nazis, or both.He continues, “They shall be wasted with hunger, and devoured with burning heat, and with bitter destruction . . . the sword outside, and terror inside, shall destroy both the young man and the virgin, the suckling also along with the man with gray hairs.” (Deuteronomy 32:24-25)
Found - http://www.biblecodedigest.com/page.php/5